Saturday, 30 June 2012

Making CC?

For the last couple of days, my mind is saying :Must make Custom Content.

I'll upload it to my blog of course, may not come as good but I have seriously no idea how to make cc, so a lot of researching today for me! Other than that, I have to do a Chapter 2 Cruise on Carl's Sims 3 Forum so yeah... Chapter 3? Probably tomorrow, quite busy with simming and things like that... If you have seen my latest twitter update, on the left side of the screen I have said that I just want my generation 2 to age up to child because of the annoying crying toddlers do.

Posted by Adnaan by using BlogPress for iPad

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

A decadynasty???

The secrets out! I'm doing a decadynasty!  My sim who I'm going to start with is the blue eyed (man) in SV... Wish me luck!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Some updates to the site

Okay... Slowly, I will be adding the rest of the career articles as well as the jobs. What do you think about me doing a decadynasty? I think I'll do one.

Posted by Adnaan by using BlogPress for iPad.

Monday, 25 June 2012

My favorite mods:

These are some of my favorite mods:

1. The NO CD mod by Twallan.
I like it because you don't need the disk. It's not a crack, but a mod.

2. No Intro Mod (don't know who it is by)
You do not see any of the intro screen.

3. Error Trap combined by Overwatch.
Makes the save file slower, and deleted unwanted cars which slow the game down.

Thats all the mods that I like, will be experimenting with more soon.

The Cruise Immortal Dynasty 2: Chapter 2 : Love in the air!

Adnaan: Who are you proposing to Dylan?
Dylan: Jamie.
Adnaan: Oh.....
Jamie: Yes?
Dylan: Oh, I just wanted you to move in with me.

Here's our girl all cutified up. She looks better without glasses.
Dylan: Yay!
Adnaan: Don't need to be excited! You don't have the excitable trait!

 Jamie: I love spending time with you.
Dylan: Your not to bad yourself!
Jamie: Oh my god, your muscles!
Dylan: Yep I know.
Adnaan: Where are Jamie and Dylan?
Christopher: Erm... I don't really know.
(Awkward moment of silcence)
Christopher: Fine then, they are in their bedroom.
Adnaan: Thanks Chris. You are rocking this hair thats for sure. Your hair just makes your mouth look fuller.
Chris: Don't bully me. I wanna find love too...

 Agnes: I think I'm in love...
Christopher: Me too!!!
And that's another member to our household.
Agnes: Have to impress Chris... What should I wear? Blue!

Adnaan: Aww... 
Dylan: Yep...
Jamie: I love your blue eyes Dylan!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

A sims 3 World Adventures Story: Journey On Travel

Well, I'm writing a new story, and... I'm using Dylan Cruise from my immortal dynasty. I have a picture of him before, but I am still makeover ing him.

Hey all

So... A new Cruise Update hopefully, and in that chapter you will see who is Dylans love. I'm sorry if I can't do the chapter today, I'll try my best.

Also, there will be a couple of more career and job articles as well as a skill article if Im lucky enough...

I'm also building a world, yes I am! When I finish I will share it on here. It will be populated (meaning sims will be in it) and... Yeah.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Cruise Dynasty 2: Chapter 1

Dylan: I'm back in Sunset Valley...
Adnaan: Yep you are!
Dylan: So... who am I getting to marry:Jamie or Agnes?
Adnaan: I'm secretly rooting for Jamie! But Agnes brings in money.
Adnaan: Well, you will be learning cooking and gardening for two whole days. And, up to my statistics you are level 3 cooking and level 6 gardening.
Dylan: Right you are!
Adnaan: Why are you talking to Chris?
Dylan: He's my best friend already!
Chris: Who are you speaking to?
Dylan: To you who else *mumbles*

Adnaan: I think people mistake you as a vampire! Look how pale you are!
Dylan: I did not choose that, you did!

Authors note:
Yep I started with Dylan again, all childrens name will be the same.

An Update

I can't decide if I'm going to do a dynasty or decadynasty.  But anyway, if I am going to do a dynasty I am gonna use Riley or Orchid. But anyway.... Yeah.

Right now, I am having my computer time at school.I am also setting up the careers and skills for my dynasty. But I am confused up to which supermax I am going to do for my Founder.Thisis my plan so far:

In order of supermax/Careers/LTW

1.NONE, Culinary or Gardener/Culinary Librarian
2.Painting/Painter/Master of the Arts
3.Sculpting/Sculpter/Reannacence Sim
4. Nectar Making/Nectar Maker/Swimming in Cash
5. Logic/Medical/World Renowned Surgeon
6. Fishing/Angler/Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium
7.Handiness/ Politics/Leader of free world
8.Writing/Journalism/Star News Anchor

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Sorry for delaying

Well I haven't been doing a new story for the Cruises because I'm starting with Riley and my game crashes at midnight, so I'm planning to do a reinstall and then play. Wish me luck

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Important announcement of the week

I don't like people commenting rude things on my website, I find it quite upsetting. Things like:
Irf has left a new comment on your post "Cruise Dynasty":
Shutup 12345678910
Irf has left a new comment on your post "Cruise Dynasty":
Look who's the one that loves selena gomez adnaan
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Cruise Dynasty Update":
Hello my name irfan ali I came to make a anoccement...adnaanssims3 should not be made because it sounds silly
Okay, other than that, I have an important announcement, a real one. I failed my Cruise Dynasty. I forgot a portrait and seriously would like to go for hall of fame. I'll have a new story by Friday but I will start playing on Thursday. I can't decide who I am going to use, Orchid or Riley, it is a difficult decision. If I was not going for hall of fame, I'd use both of them but I am going for hall of fame. Ill sleep on it tonight and see my end decision. But then, who do you want? Write in the comment box below who you want to start the dynasty and I will total up the votes.
The chief editor and writer of the website

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Cruise Dynasty Chapter 9: Teen Hood in China!

Chapter 9-Galaxy
Riley and Orchid had a lovely childhood, but now it was time for them to become teens!

I also aged up to adult, why is it when I age up I always get cornbraids? When I aged to teen I got cornbraids, when I aged to Young Adult I got corn braids, and now when I age up to Adult I get cornbraids! Anyway, Riley dyed his hair to blonde, he suits it. And little Orchid looks exactly like her mother except she has the blue eyes me and dad have.

Ex-girlfriend Sandi came to the party. I absolutely disgust her.

But anyway, we went to China! Because Orchid needs to try and supermax martial arts and I need to get a level 3 visa. I am 1 and a half. I seriously need to get to level 2 before this trip ends.

No comment. But I'm glad, atleast I know nobody is going to leave my little Orchid like Sandi did to me. Angelica soothed my heart more than mum or anybody else did. I will be very thankful with her forever.

Meanwhile, Orchid is level 5 of martial arts and is now meditating, she got the meditative focus moodlet and now can zeneport? I am not sure what that is but it looks like teleporting.
authors note:
It took me a billion years to do Orchid's clothes lol, and Riley looks awesome with blonde hair does not he?

Friday, 8 June 2012


I think I modified the settings so everybody can comment without an google or any other account, don't need to log in!Congrats! I reached 1000 pageviews. My plan for my Cruise Dynasty - gen 1:Gardening career culinary -gen 2: painting career painter Gen 3: Martial Arts career professional sports Gen 4: fishing career angler Gen 5: logic career medical Gen 6: nectar making career nectar maker/ music Gen 7: handiness/politics Gen 8: writing career writer Ltw: 1. Celebrates five star chef 2. Master of the arts 3. Physical Perfection 4. Reannacence sim/ perfect private aquarium 5. World Renowned Surgeon 6. Living in the lap of luxury 7. Leader Of Free World 8.Star News Anchor In my game,Orchid, Riley are teens and Galaxy is an Adult and all of them (Galaxy, Dylan, Angelica, Riley, Orchid) are in China and Galaxy is trying to get level 3 visa and Orchid is trying to supermax martial arts.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Competition no.1

Okay, the first competition! Your competition is to make two sims and make them the cutest couple ever. When you make them on the relationship tap make them girlfriend of/ boyfriend of . You have to build them the nicest house you can make and then email me pics of the house from floor to floor and the couple. You are allowed to use mother lode and building chests such as move objects and placefrizes etc.

And also, you need to upload the world to the exchange and then with the email send me a link to the house. The email you email the information is You need to include in the email:
A nickname
Pictures of the exterior and interior of the house.
Picture of the couple.
Link to the exchange where I can download the lot.

You may not use content from
3rd party sites
Late night and showtime
No store content
High end loft stuff
Fast lane stuff
Town Life Stuff
Katy Perry Sweet Treats

Contest starts: Tomorrow (Thursday 7 June 2012)
Contest finishes: Saturday 16th June 2012

Be creative and have fun, the only reason why I did not include diesel stuff pack is because Diesel will be out by July sometime. You get A week and two days. I hope you apply to this contest!

Posted by Adnaan by using BlogPress for iPad.

My blog

Here is my new life blog, go to

Hope you visit!


The Cruise Dynasty Chapter 8 Orchid and Riley

Narrated by: Galaxy and Orchid

While teaching Orchid to walk, Mum died. Me and Dad will miss her so much.

Grim collected her only seconds later. Dad was heartbroken, he did not want all mortals to die? He never wanted this to happen. Unfortunately it is only till Sunset comes. (authors note, Sunset is not the 9th immortal like midnight) He sleeps alone in his bed.

I aged up to being a child. I dressed myself in Orchid colours. I love my mummy a lot, and my grandma Blair.

I look exactly like my mummy but I have daddies blue eyes from Grandad Dylan. Don't I look cute. I have the photographers eye traits and my other traits are athletic and disciplined.

I turned my imaginary friend Riley real. It's amazing how I love his blue eyes.

Erm, yeah. I am level 3 of photography already. I've taken some nice pics of Dad and Riley. About Riley, everybody did not know how she magically appeared. Granddad thinks that mum had twins and that is my twin, Dad, who has an imaginary friend always next to him was just happy, And mummy Angelica just welcomed him in our family. We sleep in the same room in different beds.

Authors note:
It will definitely be a couple of days till the next update. Orchids supermax will be Martial Arts. Thank you all for reading my story!

Rocker and Aphrodite things And Cruise?

Thinking about it, I am going to make a new Rocker and Aphrodite story. The child's name won't be the same, and Rocker will look much better when I make him. Originally when I started playing with Rocker and Aphrodite it was not really a story, but I decided to post it on the blog just for fun. I can't believe so many people read it.

A new Cruise update will come tomorrow or the day after.

Let me tell you how many time people visited my blog, 958 times! I am so thankful to you guys!!!


Tuesday, 5 June 2012


I saw the Venus transit! For the first couple of minutes it was cloudy and afterwards I saw the black dot! Yay for me!!!! Guess what time I went to sleep? 23:57, I woke up at 5:37 to see Venus! If you have missed it here in London on NASA's website there is a video. Bye for now!

The family tree of Orchid

Orchid family tree is simple. She is the 4th generation Crumplebottom (lol) and the 3rd generation Cruise because Dylan is her grandfather and he is the one who started the Cruise family tree. Angelica's parents are... Blair Wainright and Lin Sherry. Lin Sherry moved to town. And... Mortimer Goth and Anne Song is married!!! Okay, so little Orchid has 2 sets of great grandparents, Susan Wainright and that other Wainright person, and Preduence Crumplebottom and that other Crumplebottom man who are both deceased in the beginning of the game. And two sets of grandparents, Agnes with Dylan, and Blair Wainright and Lin Sherry. Angelica has only inherited the blonde hair from her mum.Orchid has inherited everything from her mum except the blue eyes that Dylan and Galaxy both have. I think another thing that both Orchid and Angelica has inherited from Blair is the mouth. Anyway, have to give my sims makeovers so bye!

An update of my boring, stupid life

Sorry I have not written new chapter for my stories, when I finally finish my Gen 3's clothes. For teen. LOL. And my Aphrodite and Rocker story has gone on hold since my computer I play that on is finally broken and needs a new power outlet. Probably by Friday I will have a new update. And no, I won't be doing Let's Play because my recording system on my laptop runs sooo slow. That's all for that.

And today I got 1000 more simpoints and have bought 2 Hairstyles I have been wanting sooo desperately. I am also reading Harry Potter on my iPad.

For now, that is all.


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