Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Cruise Dynasty Chapter 8 Orchid and Riley

Narrated by: Galaxy and Orchid

While teaching Orchid to walk, Mum died. Me and Dad will miss her so much.

Grim collected her only seconds later. Dad was heartbroken, he did not want all mortals to die? He never wanted this to happen. Unfortunately it is only till Sunset comes. (authors note, Sunset is not the 9th immortal like midnight) He sleeps alone in his bed.

I aged up to being a child. I dressed myself in Orchid colours. I love my mummy a lot, and my grandma Blair.

I look exactly like my mummy but I have daddies blue eyes from Grandad Dylan. Don't I look cute. I have the photographers eye traits and my other traits are athletic and disciplined.

I turned my imaginary friend Riley real. It's amazing how I love his blue eyes.

Erm, yeah. I am level 3 of photography already. I've taken some nice pics of Dad and Riley. About Riley, everybody did not know how she magically appeared. Granddad thinks that mum had twins and that is my twin, Dad, who has an imaginary friend always next to him was just happy, And mummy Angelica just welcomed him in our family. We sleep in the same room in different beds.

Authors note:
It will definitely be a couple of days till the next update. Orchids supermax will be Martial Arts. Thank you all for reading my story!

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